Prof applies stats to flush out widespread cheating

See this recent ABC News report on how perhaps as many as 200 University of Central Florida (UCF) students cheated on an exam.  The YouTube video of them being accused by the teacher, armed with supporting statistical detail and an actual confession, can be seen here.

“This is what’s called a bimodial distribution… [which].. exists when an external force has been applied… that creates a systematic bias.”

–          Professor Richard Quinn describing a histogram of scores from his mid-term test for University of Central Florida Strategic Management 4720

For some alarming stats on percent of students cheating (mostly reported to be well over half!), see this summary of surveys on exam-beaters compiled by a test-security firm (but consider the probability of them being a bit biased!).

Getting back to Professor Quinn, I am amazed at how many commentors blame him for not updating his exams.  Evidently students cannot be held accountable for cheating when it is so easy to accomplish.  🙁

“This is college. Everyone cheats, everyone cheats in life in general.”

–          CSU student Konstantin Ravvin

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