Archive for August, 2013

Machine provides the perfect pour for Japanese beer

IMG_20130822_163553_466Awaiting a flight out of Japan’s Narita Airport, I came across this beer-pouring machine in the Delta lounge. See it in action here.  It turns out that there’s a science to pouring beer as I reported in this article explaining how UK Boffins Pull Off Brilliant DOE on Beer.  The only drawback of this machine is that it lacks conversational skills.  I found it a bit awkward sitting there with my perfectly poured beer and no one to talk to while enjoying it. 🙁

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Negativity about positivity

Every day for me is a battle to keep up the positivity and dampen down the negativity–I just feel better doing this, especially when others  respond in kind.  This news from The Scientist debunking the “positivity ratio” makes my goal easier–I need only aim to be on the plus side, even by a tiny little bit–not on a nearly 3 to 1 basis. 🙂

P.S. Being its now past noon on Wednesday we are over the hump on the work week. Cheers!

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