Models now running the world

Models will run the world according to this recent op-ed by the Wall Street Journal.  This sounds a lot less alarming than a prior essay on “Why Software is Eating the World”.   However, one (software) enables the other (modeling).

Models are good in my estimation—beautiful both in mathematical aspects and for their double meaning for those who wear clothes well.  For example, the weather-casters often debate during hurricane season whether the American or the European models will prove most accurate.  Taking “models” in the fashionable sense, it’s no contest—the winner is American Karly Kloss, who’s Kode with Klossy camps empower girls to code.  She is the cross over—a model who can model.

“In the hunt for competitive advantage, model-driven companies will accelerate away from the pack.”

– Steven A. Cohen and Matthew W. Granade

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